Jesus' Coming Back

40 Percent of American Voters Say Abortion Should Be Illegal in Most or All Cases: Exit Poll

40 Percent of American Voters Say Abortion Should Be Illegal in Most or All Cases: Exit Poll

In an exit poll conducted by Fox News, 40 percent of American voters stated that they believe Abortion should be illegal in most or all cases, with 29 percent saying it should be illegal in most cases and 12 percent saying it should be illegal in all cases.

Thirty-five percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal in most cases, while 25 percent of Americans believe abortion should be completely legal in all cases.

Broken down by candidate preference, of the voters who stated abortions should be illegal in all cases, 81 percent voted for President Trump, and for those who thought abortion should be illegal in most cases, 77 percent voted for President Trump. Interestingly enough, roughly 1 in 5 Biden voters (18 percent) thought Abortion should be illegal in all cases, and it was roughly the same for illegal in most cases as well (21 percent).

According to data collected by Gallup in their historical trends on Abortion report, as of May 2020, 70 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances or illegal in all circumstances.

This trend comes at a time when it is estimated roughly 1 in 4 women have had an abortion in their lifetime. This is mostly due to unplanned pregnancies, which made up about half of all abortions. However, abortions in general are going downhill, as the Guttmacher Institute reports that abortions are at all-time lows, meaning fewer people, as a whole, are getting abortions than in previous years.

The abortion rate skyrocketed in the immediate years following the legalization of Abortion in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Balton, two Supreme Court rulings that overturned laws that made abortions illegal. However, with President Trump nominating pro-life Justices to the Supreme Court, it is theorized that there are enough justices to have a majority and end abortion if it makes it to the Supreme Court.

Photo courtesy: Maria Oswalt/Unsplash

John Paluska has been a contributor for Christian Headlines since 2016 and is the founder of The Daily Fodder, a news outlet he relaunched in 2019 as a response to the constant distribution of fake news.


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