Jesus' Coming Back

Donald Trump Is Now Suing Michigan, Pennsylvania And Georgia

President Donald Trump is now suing the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, as we read in WDTN:

The president is suing Pennsylvania and Georgia in an attempt to stop votes from being counted, but will it work?

As of now, experts say President Donald Trump’s campaign lawsuits are purely allegations and with no solid proof. They believe if there is solid proof, the American citizens need answers for the allegations.

“Something I find very interesting about that as a lawyer is that lawyers are not allowed by our ethical code to file lawsuits that are frivolous, and right now some may believe that’s what’s happening.” said University of Dayton School of Law Democratic Transition Working Group Dan Friesen.

President Trump’s campaign filed several lawsuits against Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia but with no substantial pieces of evidence and purely allegations, experts say Americans want the facts.

“If the Trump campaign lawyers have some facts that would suggest irregularities or somehow the count isn’t accurate, they need to tell us what those facts are,” said Friesen. “If they have no facts that backup their claims and are just hoping to find some or slow things down because they don’t like where they sit right now, that’s a serious violation.”

Officially the timeline for election results getting reported through several levels is through late December and experts believe that President Trump may just be buying time until then.

“If they have more time, they might be able to find voting irregularities, that’s what they’ve alleged in Wisconsin and if there are irregularities that changes the game,” said Friesen.

Who knows how long this controversy will end, but whatever happens its going to exasperate animosities between the Left and the Right.


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