Right-wing Activists Clash With Antifa Militants. One Trump Supporter Gets Stabbed

A pro-Trump activist named Bevelyn Beatty was reportedly attacked and stabbed by Antifa fanatics in the midst of a clash between Right-wing activists and Left-wing militants. Video footage reportedly shows the violent encournter:
According to Heavy:
Bevelyn Beatty is the pro-Trump activist who says she was stabbed by “antifa” activists in Washington, D.C., in the early hours of November 4.
D.C. police confirmed that a stabbing took place at 2:30 a.m. in the 1400 block of New York Avenue in the nation’s capital. According to the statement, officers are looking for three suspects, two Black males dressed in all-black clothing and a Black female wearing black sweatpants. The female suspect was armed with a knife, the police said. NBC Washington’s Tom Lynch reported that all of those wounded in the incident suffered non-life-threatening injuries and are “associated with the proud boys group.”
The area where the stabbing took place is just east of the White House, close to Black Lives Matter Plaza in the city.
The fact that members of the Proud Boys were in this violent encounter indicates the polarization in the country and the violent exasperation that is transpiring in the midst of the political struggle that we are currently undergoing.
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