Jesus' Coming Back

Mollie Hemingway On The Media: ‘They Lie, They Lie, They Lie. And Then They Lie’

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway took aim at corporate media Sunday after some outlets called the presidential race for Democratic candidate Joe Biden Saturday before votes were certified or lawsuits settled amid a close race with even thinner margins than 2016.

“When it comes to the media and conservative voters and their politicians, the media lie, they lie, they lie, and then they lie,” Hemingway said on Fox News “MediaBuzz.” “They were shocked by what happened because they spend the last four years lying about the success of the Donald Trump administration.”

Hemingway continued: “They created false narratives, such as the Russia collusion hoax, Anonymous, the Kavanaugh situation, the Covington kid, and they lied through intentionally false polling, which said that this was going to be a blowout for Democrats.”

Democrats have so far lost eight seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and have only flipped one seat in the Senate, falling two seats short of taking an upper-chamber majority absent pick-ups in North Carolina and Alaska, where Republicans currently lead. Both Georgia Senate races have moved to runoffs. Biden is on track to capture the White House by less than 50,000 votes across three tipping-point states in a tighter margin than Trump’s 2016 triumph by 77,000 votes across three states.

Hemingway also criticized the decisions by leftist outlets to call states for Biden while votes remain to be counted and legal challenges from the Trump campaign play out in key battlegrounds such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.


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