Jesus' Coming Back

Dead Man For Five Years In Rural Solidly-Red County In Georgia Votes For Biden

One of the points I have noted about this election is that in spite of the constant ‘line’ from the mainstream press about Biden winning legitimately, I have said it is like 2000 all over again, in that Biden- like Bush -cheated his way into the presidency, except what Bush did for four to five counties one state (Florida) Biden’s campaign did for about five states. There is too much evidence that shows cases of disappearing ballots, ballots being discarded, and cases of outright dead people “voting” mysteriously after “registering” to vote after death.

This recently happened in a rural and solidly Republican county in Georgia, where as the Chattanooga Times-Free Press reports, a Connecticut man who moved to Dade County, Georgia and died in 2015 suddenly had a ballot registered to him at his old address that had since been sold and he somehow “voted” for Biden.

The case of a deceased voter in Dade County, Georgia, whose identity was used to cast a mail ballot in the Nov. 3 general election has drawn the attention of local authorities — and is being used by the re-election campaign of President Donald Trump to emphasize concerns about vote fraud.

Edward Zigmund Skwiot, a veteran of the United States Navy, died on April 28, 2015, at his home in Trenton at age 82. Skwiot was born in Meriden, Connecticut, and had a passion for bluegrass music.

According to the Georgia secretary of state’s “My Voter” page, a ballot with Skwiot’s name was accepted on Oct. 19 after an absentee ballot was requested on Oct. 1.

Tammie Vaughan, Dade County’s elections supervisor, said the issue has been brought to her attention and will be investigated.

“I have already turned this information over to the secretary of state to be given to the investigator,” Vaughn said.

Walter Jones with the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office said he is looking into the matter.

The Trump campaign highlighted the Skwiot case and three others in a news release on Wednesday morning.

There’s no way to know which presidential candidate received the vote on the improper 2020 ballot cast in the name of Edward Skwiot. But David Skwiot, one of Edward’s sons who still lives in Connecticut, has a pretty clear idea of who his dad would have voted for if he were alive.

“There’s no way in hell he would’ve voted for Biden,” David said. (source)

The Trump campaign is using this case to highlight the fraud, but as I have noted, I do not believe it will likely make a difference not for lack of truth, but image.

In the US, the court system is largely a farce. It is not based on ‘law and order’, but on image, and many prosecutions or cases that are chosen to be prosecuted are done for political purposes. This deserves a fuller discussion for another day, but it is the reason why minor crimes for certain groups are overprosecuted while major crimes committed by certain “chosen” groups are not touched at all.

I am not against law or order. I also do not expect perfection. What I am against is systematic abuse that has effectively turned the American “justice” system into a place where largely average people are stripped of their money and dignity and beaten by others using the law as a weapon.

This is what is happening to Trump. Trump did win- but he will likely not have any legal recourse even if his statements are true because the courts are a political thing, and political objectives come before individual people, especially if a person is judged to be a liability to a larger plan.

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Jesus Christ is King

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