Jesus' Coming Back

Dockers Unveils New Line Of Sandals For Dads With Built-In Tube Socks

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Fathers, rejoice! Dockers has unveiled a new line of sandals for dads. The open-toed shoes have tube socks built right-in to save your father time while getting ready in the morning.

“This is perfect for fathers everywhere,” said a Dockers spokesperson. “No longer do you have to spend time trying to match cringey-looking tube socks to just the right pair of brown sandals. We take care of the fashion, so you can go about your day looking cool and telling dumb jokes.”

Although you can get various colors and designs on the sandals themselves, the socks, of course, only come in white, as there was no demand for any other color from the dads of the nation. Dockers is running a special right now as well where you can get a pair of cargo shorts for 50% off with every purchase of The Dad sandal.

New Balance is following suit with a pair of sneakers with knee-high socks built in.


Jesus Christ is King

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