Jesus' Coming Back

Norwegian Baptists Confirm Biblical Marriage Stance

Photo Credit: Stein Gudvangen

(Evangelical Focus) 182 Baptist delegates from all over Norway recently met near Oslo Airport defying the coronavirus threat in order to handle a heated situation in the church union over disagreements on same-sex “marriage.”

The final outcome is yet to be seen, but the process within the union might lead to the exclusion of Bærum Baptist Church (just outside the capital Oslo). At least one other Baptist church shares the theologically liberal position of the Bærum church, without yet electing any homosexuals living in same-sex relationships to their council.

The annual meeting on Oct. 30th to 31st took place under a cloud of unusual suspense after the conservative network Veien Videre (The Road Ahead) earlier threatened to leave the union because the church in Bærum in 2018 elected a lesbian woman in a same-sex “marriage” as a member of the local church council.

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