Jesus' Coming Back

European Union Announces Push to ‘Protect LGBTIQ People’ Across Europe

(Evangelical Focus) The European Union has announced its ambitious plan to “protect LGBTIQ people” across the Union, which will include sanctions against countries that are not perceived as respecting their rights.

In September’s State of the Union debate, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, had hinted that the issue would be a priority of her mandate. On Nov. 12, “the first-ever EU Strategy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) equality” was presented.

This push comes in the midst of a social debate in European countries such as Poland, where around one hundred municipalities have declared themselves “LGBTQI+ ideology free zones.” EU officials had reacted in strong terms against this initiative and Von der Leyen defined them as “zones with no humanity.”

The Commission already announced that countries and regions that clash with European legislation on LGBT rights could lose EU funds.

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