Jesus' Coming Back

Sanders to Trump: ‘Man-Up’ and Say You Lost the Election

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” called on President Donald Trump to “man-up” and concede the 2020 presidential election.

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “President Trump is refusing to accept reality that he lost the election. How could he try to stay in power beyond January 20th? What level of threat do you think the lack of progress on a transition poses to the country?”

Sanders said, “I am less and less worried about it because as more and more victories state-by-state are confirmed for Biden, I think public support in any way, shape, or form for the president is now going down but I will say this, Jake, Trump will have the distinction of doing more than any person in the history of this country in undermining American democracy. The idea that he continues to tell his supporters that the only reason he may have lost this election is because of fraud is an absolutely disgraceful un-American thing to do and I would just hope to God he has the decency in him to man-up and say, you know what? We fought hard, we lost the election, good luck to Joe Biden, I love America. The fact he is not even cooperating in the transition and the fact he continues to deny reality and to continue to suggest that Biden has illegally won the election is beyond belief in terms of behavior for an American president.”

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