President Trump Still Has Several Constitutional Paths to Victory, Dershowitz Says and related stories
Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said he thinks President Donald Trump has several legal paths to a 2020 election victory.
Dershowitz said there are a few “constitutional paths to victory” for the president’s legal team, although he noted that Trump will face legal hurdles in all of them.
“For example, in Pennsylvania, they have two very strong legal arguments. One, that the courts changed what the legislature did about counting ballots after the end of Election Day. That’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court. I don’t necessarily support it, but it’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court,” Dershowitz told Fox Business on Nov. 22.
The team, meanwhile, has “a winning issue in the Supreme Court on equal protection, that some counties allowed flawed ballots to be cured while others didn’t. Bush v. Gore suggests that an Equal Protection argument can prevail.”
Dershowitz, who helped defend Trump during the Senate impeachment trial earlier this year, said that because of Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s lead over the president, Trump’s team may not be able to contest enough ballots in Pennsylvania.
“The other legal theory they have, which is a potentially strong one, is that the computers, either fraudulently or by glitches, changed hundreds of thousands of votes. There, there are enough votes to make a difference, but I haven’t seen the evidence to support that,” he said. “So, in one case, they don’t have the numbers. In another case, they don’t seem yet to have the evidence, maybe they do. I haven’t seen it. But the legal theory is there to support them if they have the numbers and they have the evidence.”
Read the rest HERE and follow links below to related stories:
Alan Dershowitz: Trump has two or three possible constitutional paths to 2020 victory
Trump Appeals PA Suit Dismissal As Dershowitz Outlines Narrow Path To Victory
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