Jesus' Coming Back

Christian Leader Awaits Charges for Sending Bible Balloons to North Korea

South Korea (Mission Network News) A believer awaits charges for launching Bible balloons from South Korea into North Korea. Last week, South Korean police recommended that prosecutors charge Eric Foley with Voice of the Martyrs Korea on three counts.

“One of them is related to the violation of an inter-Korean exchange law. [This] is a law that regulates commerce between North and South Korea; anything you might be trying to sell from South Korea to North Korea would need to be pre-approved by the government,” Foley explains.

The second charge relates to national security. “These are laws designed for natural disaster management,” Foley continues, “but now they’re being related to balloon launching with a charge that our activity created a national threat to Korea.”

Finally, “the third charge that will come out is one related to the use of high-pressure gas,” Foley says.

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