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Republicans Sue to Stop Wisconsin Vote Certification; Trump Campaign Says PA, AZ, MI to Hold Public Hearings on 2020 Election, and related news

Republicans sue to stop Wisconsin vote certification:

Republicans filed a lawsuit Tuesday asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to block certification of the presidential election results even as a recount over President-elect Joe Biden’s win over President Donald Trump is ongoing.

The lawsuit echoes many of the same arguments Trump is making in trying, unsuccessfully, to have tens of thousands of ballots discounted during the recount. It also seeks to give the power to name presidential electors to the Republican-controlled Legislature.

Wisconsin state law allows the political parties to pick electors, which was done in October. Once the election results are certified, which is scheduled to be done Dec. 1, those pre-determined electors will cast their ballots for the winner on Dec. 14.

“The litigation filed this afternoon seeks to disenfranchise every Wisconsinite who voted in this year’s presidential election,” said Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul. “The Wisconsin Department of Justice will ensure that Wisconsin’s presidential electors are selected based on the will of the more than 3 million Wisconsin voters who cast a ballot.” —>READ MORE HERE

Trump campaign says Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan to hold public hearings on 2020 election:

State legislatures in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan will hold public hearings on the 2020 presidential election to “provide confidence” that all legal votes have been counted and that “illegal votes have not been counted,” the Trump campaign said.

The announcement on Tuesday comes after Pennsylvania and Michigan certified the results of the 2020 race this week in favor of President-elect Joe Biden.

The Trump campaign said that the first hearing will be held by the Pennsylvania state Senate on Wednesday in Gettysburg, Pa., and will feature testimony from witnesses “who have filed affidavits attesting to 2020 election fraud.”

The hearing Wednesday will also feature a presentation from former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who serves as President Trump’s personal attorney and is leading the campaign’s legal challenges surrounding the election. —>READ MORE HERE

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