Biden addresses Fakhrizadeh’s assassination, Iran nuclear program

President-elect Joe Biden addressed for the first time on Thursday night US time the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, known as Iran’s chief nuclear scientist, in an interview given to CNN. He said that it was “hard to tell how much” the recent assassination of the scientist would complicate his dealings with Tehran. Recall, Fakhrizadeh was killed last Friday. He had been a target for Israelis for a long time.He slammed US President Donald Trump’s dealings with Iran and his decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal, reaffirming his desire to rejoin if Tehran complies.”He has pulled out to get something tougher, and what have they done? They’ve increased the ability for them to have nuclear material. They’re moving closer to the ability to be able to have enough material for a nuclear weapon. And there’s the missile issues,” the president-elect said. “The bottom line is that we can’t allow Iran to get nuclear weapons.”
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