Jesus' Coming Back

Rules For Thee But Not For Me: A Rundown Of Lockdown Leftists Ignoring Their Own Rules; You Can’t Have Outdoor Dining Unless You’re Hollywood, and other C-Virus Updates

Rules For Thee But Not For Me: A Rundown Of Lockdown Leftists Ignoring Their Own Rules:

Nothing has peeled back just how deeply unserious restrictions largely at the expense of the poor have become than political leaders freely disregarding their own guidelines to enjoy the elite lifestyle.

Your Political Leaders Hate You And Think You’re Stupid,” headlined an article by Federalist Political Editor John Davidson this week highlighting the hypocrisy plaguing this year’s liberal lockdowns. That about sums it up.

For months left-wing liberals have fined, shamed, and arrested, all who dared reject their tyrannical orders closing churches and schools in the name of public health over a virus with a 99.98 percent survival rate while defying their own edicts. Many, including liberal beltway reporters masquerading as journalists, even excused or participated in massive social justice protests after condemning Trump rallies as homicidal super-spreader events poised to erase any and all progress on viral mitigation. —>READ LOTS MORE HERE

You Can’t Have Outdoor Dining Unless You’re Hollywood:

In, Democrat Lockdowns Exempt Hollywood, Destroy Small Businesses, last week, I noted Hollywood’s big exemption from the lockdown rules.

Before Thanksgiving, Los Angeles imposed a curfew and, in a shocking oversight, asked Hollywood to follow it. After ordering Hollywood to restrict filming to the same curfew as other businesses, a few hours later the order was withdrawn followed by a final plea to film shoots to “to voluntarily limit and/or avoid activities likely to invite a negative community response” which could “jeopardize community confidence in our ability to operate safely.”

As if allowing movie studios to shoot around the clock while shutting down small businesses might “invite a negative community response” or raise questions about the corrupt system.

The film permit office now claims that “the State of California has viewed workers supporting the film, television and commercial production industry… as essential for the state’s critical infrastructure.”

Illustrating that point is this viral video —>READ and WATCH MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories and resources:

Yes, some Americans may be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine but not by the federal government

COVID-19 means more preschool-age kids won’t be ready for kindergarten

USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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