Dave Ramsey Dresses Up As Mall Santa, Tells Kids ‘You Can’t Afford That!’

FRANKLIN, TN—Dave Ramsey has come under fire for making hundreds of kids cry at the mall. Ramsey had dressed up as Santa Claus and was asking little boys and girls what they wanted for Christmas, but he simply responded by telling the kids that they couldn’t afford the toys they wanted.
“Your family can’t afford a PS5, stupid! Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!” he said jovially to one boy, who ran away screaming. “Next!”
One boy asked for a Nerf gun, and Ramsey lectured him on how quickly cheap plastic toys depreciate in value. He says he’s all for guns, but that the kid should get a broken used Nerf gun from a yard sale for a quarter and fix it up. “Buying new? Your Nerf gun loses 75% of its value as soon as you take it out of the store.”
Finally, one kid was able to get his wish when he told Ramsey all he wanted this year was beans and rice. “You’re going right on the nice list, kid! Ho ho ho!”
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