Jesus' Coming Back

Hawley: ‘Big Tech Is Going to Run’ Biden Administration

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) stated that “big tech is going to run this administration,” and “tech companies are calling the tune, and Joe Biden is going to do whatever they tell him to.”

Hawley said, “We saw…these companies shoveling money at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back during the campaign. Now you look at this Facebook executive is running the Biden transition, you look at big tech executives ending up in key positions all over the place, and make no mistake about it, Martha, if Joe Biden is sworn in as president in January, big tech is going to run this administration, just like they did in the Obama-Biden administration. Let’s not forget, Google was on the line for an antitrust lawsuit back during the Obama administration, and the Obama team shut it down after Google met with them, where else, in the White House. These tech companies are calling the tune, and Joe Biden is going to do whatever they tell him to.”

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Jesus Christ is King

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