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Trump ‘Alternate Electors’ Send Votes Directly To Congress ‘To Preserve Legal Options’; 3 Things to Know as 2020 Election Challenge Moves to Congress, and other related 2020 Election stories

Trump ‘Alternate Electors’ Send Votes Directly To Congress ‘To Preserve Legal Options’:

While Joe Biden won Monday’s electoral college vote 306-232, Trump electors in several states also met, casting their votes for the president anyway, before sending them to Congress.

According to White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, Trump’s team plans to support this “alternate” set of electors in key states won by Biden as a means to preserve legal remedies in the event any of the remaining legal challenges, while long-shots, bear fruit.

“As we speak, today, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we’re going to send those results up to Congress,” Miller told Fox News on Monday. “This will ensure that all of our legal remedies remain open” —>READ MORE HERE

3 Things to Know as 2020 Election Challenge Moves to Congress:

After their party’s presidential nominee lost in the Electoral College, some House members lined up to object to and challenge the results during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress to count the electoral votes.

House Democrats made 11 objections. In each case, then-outgoing Vice President Joe Biden—presiding over the session in his role as Senate president—asked if the objection had a Senate sponsor.

Then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she didn’t encourage the objection, but would “support” the objections from her caucus. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., demanded a senator join the challenge against certifying the results.

With no senators backing the objections, members of Congress counted the votes, and Biden said, “It’s over,” gaveling the official end of the 2016 election with a victory, giving it to President Donald Trump.

Fast-forward nearly four years to Monday, and the Electoral College voted to make Biden president, an apparent victory over Trump in the 2020 election. However, a joint session of Congress still will have to certify the votes, in what will be the last long-shot challenge for the Trump campaign. Still, Trump hasn’t conceded the election. —>READ MORE HERE

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