Trump Joins Chorus To Abolish Electoral College Immediately

WASHINGTON D.C.—On the day after the Electoral College voted 306 to 232 for Joe Biden to be the next president, President Donald Trump has joined many liberals in calling for the Electoral College to be abolished. And he wants it done immediately.
“It’s a stupid system,” Trump said. “I mean, who even are these people? No one knows. They’re probably all illegal aliens. And yet they get to pick the president!”
Trump called the Electoral College a “rigged” system, noting how everyone seemed to know exactly how the electors would vote before they voted. “It’s all tilted to Biden, just like journalists,” Trump told the press. “It’s also an enemy of the people… though not as much as CNN.”
Trump wants the Electoral College banned today and all the electors immediately locked up so they “can’t vote for a sleepy socialist.” As for a system to elect a president to replace the Electoral College, Trump said that going by popular vote was also “really dumb.” Trump instead suggested it would be more sensible to pick the president based on wealth or the number of Twitter followers.
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