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BOMBSHELL: Leaked List of 2 Million Chinese Communist Party Members Shows How Vulnerable the West Is; Chinese Media Outlines What US Relations with Beijing Will Be Like Under a Biden Admin

BOMBSHELL: Leaked List of 2 Million Chinese Communist Party Members Shows How Vulnerable the West Is:

Sky News reported a list of nearly two million members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who are operating worldwide and in dozens of companies based in the United States and other Western nations. According to the report, the list was compiled in 2016 by Chinese dissidents who extracted the data from a Shanghai server.

In mid-September, the data was leaked to a newly formed international group called the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). This is a group of 150 legislators whose mission is stated on their website:

IPAC’s mission is to foster deeper collaboration between like-minded legislators. Its principal work is to monitor relevant developments, to assist legislators to construct appropriate and coordinated responses, and to help craft a proactive and strategic approach on issues related to the People’s Republic of China.

IPAC provided the data to four independent media outlets for verification. It is believed to be the first leak of its kind and gives a detailed look at how the party operates under Chairman Xi Jinping. The data shows that party members are embedded in some of the world’s largest companies and inside government agencies. —>READ MORE HERE

Chinese Media Outlines What US Relations with Beijing Will Be Like Under a Biden Admin:

Chinese state media suggested on Sunday that a Biden administration will be soft on China, confirming what many thought Biden’s foreign policy would look like.

The Global Times, a tabloid owned by the Chinese government’s People’s Daily, released a piece titled “Biden government will likely keep Aussies and allies from wild actions.”

The article mainly focused on the complexities of how the United States influences the actions of its allies such as Australia, but also suggested that a presumptive Biden administration would be more laid-back.

“Against the background of China-US strategic game, US’ policy for the next four years will continue to seek multilateral alliance frameworks to contain China,” the Global Times reported. “Many observers tend to believe that the Biden administration will to some extent ease tensions with China in the future.” —>READ MORE HERE

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