Jesus' Coming Back

Study: Agnosticism Explodes In The US, Almost Half Of People Are Unsure Of God’s Existence

One of the trends that I have pointed out at is the rise of secularism with a complete lack or indifference to belief in God. America was even at her height a questionably Christian nation, with a long of unbelief. However, this has only become more apparent with time, and with the passing of the Boomer generation, this secularism and lack of belief is becoming more obvious as the Christian Post reports that the most common religious identity among people under 30 is none at over one-third.

The most common religious identity among young adults in the U.S. is “none,” and the majority of Americans don’t believe it’s necessary for a person to believe in God to be moral and have good values, a new survey has found.

Released Tuesday, AEI’s Survey Center on American Life investigating contemporary religion in the U.S. found that among young adults (age 18 to 29), the most common religious identity today is none. More than one in three (34%) young adults are religiously unaffiliated.

Nearly nine in 10 (87%) Americans report they believe in God, but just over half (53%) report they believe in God without any doubts at all. Of these, more than eight in 10 white evangelical Protestants (87%) and black Protestants (83%) say they are absolutely certain God exists.

Overall, 42% of Americans have a close social connection with someone who is religiously unaffiliated — up from 18% in 2004.

Additionally, most Americans say it’s not necessary for a person to believe in God to be moral and have good values. Close to six in 10 (59%) Americans say a belief in God is not a precondition to being moral and having good values, while 41% of the public say a belief in God is essential.

These statistics, the authors say, mark a “remarkable shift in recent years.”

The study also found that Americans are almost equally divided over whether it is better to discuss religious beliefs and ideas with those who do not share the same perspective, and most Americans have never been invited to church. A majority (54%) of Americans say they have not been asked to participate in a religious service in the past 12 months or have never been asked.

The survey corroborates a 2019 Pew Study survey that documented the decline of Christians and rise of religiously unaffiliated. Pew noted that the religiously unaffiliated group rose to 22.8% share of the population in 2014, eclipsing the number of Catholics in America, who fell to 20.8%.

Christians as a whole fell from 78.4 to 70% of the population between 2007 to 2014, with every major group experiencing a decline. (source)

These numbers should be expected to continue on a significant decline, to such a point where Christians become a minority among the population. This reflects why certain anti-Christian ideas are common in society, because the Christian philosophy that supports them is not accepted by the people, and as the people make the laws for them, the laws are reflecting the lack of Christianity being practiced among the people.

This is not to say this is good. Is the opposite, and it means that Christians in the US most likely will become less of a source of income for global Christian activity because what resources they have they will need to help themselves since they will be persecuted. One can already see this happening in society, and it is just going to become more common as time passes.

The Boomers are really the last pin holding Christianity as a serious power bloc in the nation together. Once they pass away and the Millennials and Zoomers take full power, it will likely bring in a strongly anti-Christian and pro-anti-Christian period of laws and even treatment.

In the words of the now late Cardinal George,

I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history. (source)

The Church saw what was happening many years ago, and She has seen everything, especially if one considers that she is the only surviving institution from antiquity, something that is a miracle only from the hand of God as promised in St. Matthew’s gospel.

The trends have been in motion for a while, they are not good, and it is for the wise to be prepared for what comes next, as nothing is going to be easier for Christians.

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