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Breitbart’s AWR Hawkins Awarded ‘Gun Rights Defender of the Year’

Breitbart News’s AWR Hawkins was awarded “Gun Rights Defender of the Year” by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA).

The award came in conjunction with the 2020 Gun Rights Policy Conference, a Second Amendment Foundation-sponsored event that brings together pro-gun authors, broadcasters, journalists, legislators, and enthusiasts annually.

The policy conference was held in September of this year, but was conducted virtually because of coronavirus restrictions. Awards, normally given during the conference, are being announced during December 2020 via press releases.

On December 17, 2020, CCRKBA announced they were giving Hawkins the “Gun Rights Defender of the Year” award.

“AWR is a gun rights legend,” Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News, said. “For years he has kept tens of millions of Breitbart readers on the cutting edge on one of the most important issues of our time. It’s great to see him recognized for his tireless work. He’s a true happy warrior.”

CCRKBA chairman Alan Gottlieb said, “AWR Hawkins is one of the more powerful voices in the Second Amendment community. He has worked tirelessly offering news and views from a pro-Second Amendment perspective, and his background certainly enables him to speak with authority on gun rights and military history.”

Hawkins has a Masters in U.S. History, with a focus on the Civil War. He has a PhD in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War and the U.S. Navy.

Hawkins received the “Journalist of the Year” award at the 2015 Gun Rights Policy Conference, “Gun Rights Defender of the Year” at the 2016 conference, “Journalist of the Year” at the 2017 conference, and received that award again in 2019.

Upon being notified of this year’s award, Hawkins said, “It’s awesome to get this award, and it’s an honor to defend the Second Amendment and gun rights. Without those we don’t have freedom.”


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