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Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville suggests he might challenge Electoral College count; other GOP senators mum; True the Vote Partners with Georgians to Challenge More than 300K Allegedly Ineligible Voters, and related 2020 Election stories

Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville suggests he might challenge Electoral College count; other GOP senators mum:

As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tries to tamp down efforts in the Senate to reject President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory, some Republican senators are suggesting they might buck his warning.

The discord comes weeks before a joint session of Congress convenes Jan. 6 to count votes cast by the Electoral College, which elected Biden over President Donald Trump by a 306-232 vote margin Monday. Some House Republicans have said they intend to object to Biden’s slate of electors in some states.

“You’ll see what’s coming,” Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., said this week. “You’ve been reading about in the House. We’re going to have to do it in the Senate.”

Another senator, Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., who is facing a runoff Jan. 5, wouldn’t say Wednesday whether she’ll challenge Biden’s victory when Congress convenes the next day. —>READ MORE HERE

True the Vote Partners with Georgians to Challenge More than 300K Allegedly Ineligible Voters:

True the Vote has submitted 364,541 written Elector Challenges on behalf of voters in Georgia, representing all 159 counties.

News of the challenge came in a press release in which the organization defined the challenge as a “unique feature in Georgia law,” identified as GA. CODE ANN. § 21-2-230.

According to True the Vote, the law “allows a voter to challenge the eligibility of any other voters in his or her county if probable cause exists to show that the challenged voter does not meet the qualifications legally required to cast a ballot.” In addition, it “represents one of the few vehicles that states have to update voter rolls ahead of an election without compromising any legitimate voters’ right to have their vote counted.”

“Ongoing debates about the November election throughout the country have Americans focused intently on improving the integrity of our elections and restoring the faith of voters. Today we assisted concerned Georgia voters in taking a stand for the sanctity of every legal vote,” said True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht. —>READ MORE HERE

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