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Open Borders Lobby Urges Joe Biden to Quickly Grant Executive Amnesty; ILLEGAL No More, and related stories

Open Borders Lobby Urges Joe Biden to Quickly Grant Executive Amnesty:

The open borders lobby is urging Democrat Joe Biden to quickly grant an amnesty for illegal aliens living in the United States, potentially through a little-known federal program that keeps foreign nationals from being deported

In interviews with NPR, activists with a number of open borders and mass migration organizations say they are asking Biden and his transition team to consider signing executive orders that will provide amnesty to illegal aliens, return deported illegal aliens to the U.S., and free border crossers into the interior of the U.S. so long as they claim asylum.

NPR reported:

Recognizing that the political divide in Congress makes a major overhaul of the immigration system unlikely, the groups are pushing for Biden to use the power of his pen to take steps sooner rather than later. [Emphasis added]

Their requests include returning undocumented immigrants wrongfully deported under Trump, stopping detention of asylum-seekers, expanding the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and using other executive powers, like granting temporary protected status, to protect more undocumented immigrants. [Emphasis added] —>READ MORE HERE

Illegal no more:

“No one is illegal” is about to become more than a trendy T-shirt slogan. President-elect Joe Biden’s pledge to create “a fair and humane immigration system” means the addled phrase is due to become blunt fact. Americans alarmed by past immigrant surges should gird themselves for more because, ready or not, here they come, again.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports the apprehension of 70,000 immigrants along the Southwest border in November, an increase of 64% over the same period in 2019. “If the current policies in place are revoked as critics have promised they would do the 2,300 a day will become a full-blown crisis overnight as we stand by and watch the numbers go even higher,” Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters Monday.

Thousands of U.S.-bound asylum-seekers are preparing themselves for the journey. In particular, Cubans who have fled the communist island in the past are joining caravans in Chile, Guyana, Paraguay and other South American nations to trek toward the U.S. southern border, according to the Miami Herald. —>READ MORE HERE

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