Jesus' Coming Back

Va. County GOP Censures Rep. for Officiating Same-Sex ‘Wedding,’ Considering Voting for Biden

APPOMATTOX, Va. — The Republican Party of Appomattox County, Virginia recently unanimously voted to censure outgoing Rep. Denver Riggleman for “betraying the very morals, principals, and values of the Republican Party” by officiating a same-sex “wedding” and publicly stating that he was considering voting for Democrat Joe Biden, among other offenses.

“[I]n July 2019, Denver Riggleman officiated a same-sex wedding, which in turn goes against the values and principles of the Republican Party, betraying and disregarding the concerns for the many conservative and Christian voters in the 5th District who elected Denver Riggleman to the United States House of Representatives,” the resolution, passed on Dec. 12, states.

Riggleman had officiated the ceremony for two of his campaign volunteers, Alex Pisciarino and Anthony LeCounte, at King Family Vineyards outside of Charlottesville.

“I’m a congressman. I represent everyone,” he told the Washington Post. “And I’ll tell you this: Really, love is love, if you’re gonna talk about it that way. So that’s what I did, and I was just so proud that I was able to do that.”

The resolution also states that “on October 19th, 2020, during his appearance with Cable News Network (CNN), Denver Riggleman made claims that he would consider voting for former Vice President Joe Biden for president of the United States.”

It further takes issue that Riggleman called the claims of voter fraud in the presidential election false and believed that Trump should have conceded to Biden, while himself making “claims of voter fraud during the 5th Congressional District Republican Convention and refus[ing] to concede to the winner, Representative-elect Bob Good, who won the election in a fair and honest race.”

Good, who identifies as a Christian with a “biblical worldview” that extends into politics, was selected during the June convention with 58% of the vote, but Riggleman said he was evaluating his options due to reports of voting irregularities and ballot stuffing.

“Voter fraud has been a hallmark of this nomination process and I will not stand for it,” he tweeted. “@VA_GOP needs to reevaluate their priorities.”

“Now may it be resolved that the Appomattox County Republican Committee censure Denver Riggleman for his betrayal to voters in the 5th District, who elected him into office in the first place, for betraying the very morals, principals, and values of the Republican Party,” the resolution reads.

It also blasts the congressman “for his petty, immoral, and ludicrous behavior before and after the 5th Congressional District Republican Convention, and for his open consideration to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden …”

Read the resolution in full here.

As previously reported, former Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. had backed Riggleman in September 2019 after he similarly received a no-confidence vote from the Cumberland County Republican Committee.

Falwell opined in a letter to the congressman, “I believe that excluding other conservatives over issues that have already been decided by the U.S. Supreme Court does nothing but help the liberals gain more power. There is nothing that anyone in the House of Delegates or the Virginia Senate can do to change the law on gay marriage or abortion until the U.S. Supreme Court reverses its previous positions.”

Two months later, Good, who worked at Liberty University for 14 years as the senior associate athletics director and Flames Club executive director — and who also helped with fundraising for the school’s athletic department, stepped down to challenge Riggleman for the 5th District seat.

Good also won the general election on Nov. 3, beating out Democratic candidate Cameron Webb 52% to 47%.

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