Jesus' Coming Back

Israel Election: Sharren Haskel joins Sa’ar, says gov’t must be replaced

Likud MK Sharren Haskel announced in a speech at the Knesset for her Facebook followers on Wednesday that she will run with the New Hope party of former Likud minister Gideon Sa’ar in the March 23 election. Haskel said she would quit the Knesset, because her conscience would not let her remain in the Likud.”The events of these past few days have proven that this government no longer has a mandate to rule,” Haskel said. As tears fell from her eyes, Haskel said she was raised on the Likud’s values but the events of the past year proved there was too wide a gap between those values and what the party implemented. She blasted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not applying sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. “Replacing the current government is necessary and Gideon Sa’ar is the right person to be the next prime minister,” said Haskel, who called her new party leader clean and capable of building a coalition. Haskel made news this week when she refused requests from the Likud to vote for a bill that would have given more time for a state budget to be passed and prevented early elections. The Likud announced it would take punitive financial steps against Haskel, which could prove difficult, because she is on maternity leave.The replacement of Haskel in the Knesset will be former minister Ayoub Kara, who was next on the list of the Likud’s candidates.

Kara is furious at Netanyahu, who blocked him from receiving a reserved slot on the Likud list and then reneged on a commitment to appoint him as an ambassador. 

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