Jesus' Coming Back

NC Couple Fights HOA’s Demand to Remove Cross from Christmas Decorations

NC Couple Fights HOA’s Demand to Remove Cross from Christmas Decorations

A couple in North Carolina fought—and won—against their HOA’s demand to remove a cross as part of their Christmas decoration, according to CBN News.

James and Dee Faison received a letter from the association after he and his wife put the cross up for Christmas. The couple had also used the six-foot cross for Easter.

“We were shocked. We really were. We were shocked, especially whenever the email had referenced that the cross was not representative of Christmas,” James said.

The HOA told the couple they could keep the cross as long as they provided biblical references to connect it with Christmas. Though James and Dee provided the verses to the HOA, they felt that their religious freedom was attacked.

“They stepped out of bounds, just asking that question. … We just thought, ‘Hey, we’re going to keep it up. We want to fight this.’ And so we kept the cross up,” he said.

Yet, the HOA continued to push back against the couple’s decoration with the threat of $100 per day if the cross was not removed.

The disagreement caught the attention of a local media outlet, as well as CBN News. According to WTVD-News, the HOA said the cross was only permitted for Easter or Passover, not for Christmas.

“… Several members of the Board are devout Christians and are intimately familiar with the cross being the foundation for which Christianity is based,” a letter from the HOA said. “…The Christmas season is associated with the birth of the Savior, [decorations] such as nativity scenes would be appropriate representation of the season.”

“The Board believes that the Bible is very clear on the distinction between these two major events in Christ’s life on earth. The cross is appropriate during the Easter season, but not as a decoration during the Christmas season. Unless biblical references can be provided noting the cross as a symbol of the Christmas season for the board to reconsider, the cross is not considered to be a Christmas decoration.”

Following WTVD-News’ report, the HOA backed down and sent a statement stating the Faison’s were permitted to keep their cross without penalty.

“The Board rescinded their letter and request to remove the cross on Tuesday, December 8th. Mr. Faison was never fined. Mr. Faison already has a three-foot-tall cross on permanent display at the front of his home which was never in dispute.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images / Tinnakorn Jorruang

Mikaela Mathews is a freelance writer and editor based in Dallas, TX. She was the editor of a local magazine and a contributing writer for the Galveston Daily News and Spirit Magazine.


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