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‘Unprecedented cover-up’: Mounting evidence in Hunter Biden scandal suppressed; Intel Pros Morphed into Partisan Political Activists in Rush to Defend Hunter Biden, and related stories

‘Unprecedented cover-up’: Mounting evidence in Hunter Biden scandal suppressed:

Democrats, along with allies in Silicon Valley and the news media, have suppressed the Hunter Biden scandal despite mounting evidence that President-elect Joseph R. Biden’s son had secret, lucrative financial ties to oligarchs and a powerful communist-connected Chinese businessman.

Since September, it has been a remarkable combination of blacklisting, promoting the theory of a Russian plot against the Bidens or simply ignoring the story. Liberal news websites acknowledged the scandal only after Mr. Biden won the election and Hunter Biden publicly stated that he is under criminal investigation for suspected tax fraud.

The difference is striking for President Trump’s associates whom media excoriated during the long FBI Russia probe, which did not establish a conspiracy in the 2016 election.

“It was an unprecedented cover-up across so many entities inside and outside of the government,” J.D. Gordon, the 2016 Trump campaign’s national security adviser, told The Washington Times. “Silicon Valley suppressed an actual scandal related to Hunter Biden while hyping a manufactured scandal over Trump-Russia.” —>READ MORE HERE

Intelligence pros morphed into partisan political activists in rush to defend Hunter Biden:

When Hunter Biden‘s laptop contents burst open in the conservative press in October, an influential Washington group rushed to the aid of his dad, now-presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

Retired U.S. intelligence officials became political activists, directly injecting their credentials into the presidential campaign. They signed an open letter asserting that text messages about Hunter Biden‘s cash flow from Ukraine and China, and how his father helped were a Russian plot.

There was no evidence of a Russia-laptop link, but the claim provided Democrats and the liberal media a counternarrative to ignore the entire scandalous storyline of Biden influence peddling.

“The politicization of the intelligence community, and IC retirees emboldened to pile on any anti-Trump movement, is a novel and dangerous development in American politics,” retired CIA clandestine officer Kent Clizbe told The Washington Times. “The genie’s out of the bottle.” —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Will Anyone Face Any Consequences For Gaslighting Americans On The Hunter Biden Story?

Mollie Hemingway: Biden’s Strenuous Defenses Of Son Hunter Inadvertently Make The Case For A Special Counsel

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