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Becerra Must Be Rejected: Would Be a Radical Pro-Abortion Warrior at HHS; Top pro-life leaders urge Senate to reject Xavier Becerra over ‘anti-life, anti-religion’ bias, and related stories

Becerra Would Be a Radical Pro-Abortion Warrior at HHS:

His appalling record — including support for partial-birth abortions — reveals his priorities and anti-life agenda.

Joe Biden’s announcement that he will nominate California attorney general Xavier Becerra to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is a massive blow to all who value women and the lives of the unborn. As a former Democratic representative and current attorney general of California, Becerra has made a career of expanding abortion access, removing protections in place to protect women, and targeting pro-life groups. He has received perfect ratings from both Planned Parenthood and NARAL. It would be a mistake to confirm such a pro-abortion radical to lead HHS.

One need only look at Becerra’s record to imagine what a Health and Human Services Department would look like under his leadership. As the California attorney general, Becerra filed numerous lawsuits to overturn pro-life laws in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio. The laws ranged from ensuring that women were protected from unscrupulous abortionists to banning late-term abortions. Becerra justified the lawsuits by claiming that the laws were direct attacks on Roe v. Wade and said, “No government, state or federal, has the right,” to interfere with abortion.

Becerra has made significant efforts to expand abortion access and decrease protections for women despite the fact that the majority of Americans want to see additional limits on the procedure. When in Congress, Becerra voted against a bill that would protect minors from being driven across state lines to procure an abortion without parental consent. Becerra also voted against a bill that would have banned the gruesome practice of partial-birth abortion. Becerra even voted against the Unborn Victims Against Violence Act, which makes a federal offense of harming or killing a child in utero during a violent crime. These bills that he voted against sought to protect vulnerable women and unborn children. It is clear the Becerra is motivated by a radical abortion-driven agenda. —>READ MORE HERE

Top pro-life leaders urge Senate to reject Xavier Becerra over ‘anti-life, anti-religion’ bias:

California attorney general is known for fighting religious exemptions on abortion, contraception

A powerhouse coalition of pro-life advocates on Monday urged the Senate to reject Xavier Becerra’s nomination to head the Health and Human Services Department, citing his absence of health care experience and his “disregard for people of faith.”

The Democrat Becerra’s “bias for anti-life, anti-religion policy is apparent, and he should be rejected to serve as a national department head,” said the letter signed by more than 40 pro-life and conservative leaders.

The letter to the Senate leadership came as an early salvo in what is shaping up to be a ferocious confirmation battle over President-elect Joseph R. Biden’s selection of Mr. Becerra, the California attorney general since 2017 and former congressman.

“Mr. Becerra has consistently used the power of his office to attack people who think differently than him and to advance the interests of the abortion lobby when he had the authority to do so,” the letter said.

The letter spearheaded by Students for Life Action cited Mr. Becerra’s hostility to religious and conscience exemptions from abortion and birth control requirements, including his ongoing legal battle with the Little Sisters of the Poor over the state’s contraception mandate. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Declaring War On Nuns, Biden Plans To Nominate Abortion Extremist Xavier Becerra For HHS Secretary

Biden Taps Abortion Enthusiast to Run HHS

Obamacare Funnels Taxpayer Money To Cover Elective Abortions

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