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Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge; Texas Rep. Brian Babin Will Join Republicans Challenging Electoral College Vote, and related stories

Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge:

We the people are watching. We will primary the traitors and Democrats in RINO clothing,

We the people are watching. As for Senate Majority Leader McConnell, we will drag him over the finish line like a beached whale.

Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said that some Republican senators will join an effort to challenge Electoral College votes when the Joint Session of Congress meets on Jan. 6.

The process requires one senator and one House representative to initiate. Other than Taylor-Greene, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) and a number of GOP House lawmakers have pledged they would challenge the votes.
“We have a very strong case, and our numbers are growing strong,” she said Tuesday on Newsmax of the effort. “We talked to senators and we’re good to go for this objection.”

Taylor-Greene did not say what senators would join the challenge. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) have both suggested they might get involved, but there has been no public confirmation. —>READ MORE HERE

Texas Rep. Brian Babin Will Join Republicans Challenging Electoral College Vote:

Texas Congressman Brian Babin is the latest member of the House of Representatives to say he will challenge the Electoral College vote on January 6. He will join other Republican lawmakers who will be contesting the Electoral College vote, which is expected to go to pro-abortion candidate Joe Biden, when Congress certifies the vote next month.

Babin said on Twitter Monday that he will object to the results if Congress does not look into the voter fraud allegations. Babin also wrote a letter, signed by 20 Republicans, to congressional leadership demanding action.

“Confidence in our elections must be restored. If Congress doesn’t act, on Jan 6 I’ll object to the electoral college vote submissions on the House floor on behalf of the millions of Americans, myself included, who don’t trust the validity of this election,” Babin wrote. —>READ MORE HERE

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