Jesus' Coming Back

Huts, Mountains and Coffee Plantations: The Hidden Church in Colombia

(Open Doors UK) — For many of you, your Sunday services have taken on an unusual feel this year. The locations, routines and form you’ve grown familiar with were changed in an instant.

It’s been hard, and we’re not sure when church life will return to normal. But this time can give us a small insight into what Sunday services typically look like for persecuted Christians across the world, for whom our unusual is a glimpse into their normal.

It’s Sunday morning in the village of San Pedro de la Victoria, Colombia. Gabriel — an indigenous Christian whose name we have changed to protect his identity — wakes up to prepare a service he’ll lead later that day.

Shortly afterwards, he leaves his house and goes to a deserted place, in the middle of the forest, hidden from everyone. In his village, being a Christian is likely to result in persecution.

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