Jesus' Coming Back

Biden’s Pony Problem: Why The Hunter Biden Scandal Is No Dead Horse; How Silicon Valley Scions Launched ‘unprecedented cover-up’ in Hunter Biden Case

Biden’s Pony Problem: Why The Hunter Biden Scandal Is No Dead Horse:

President-elect Joe Biden has a pony problem. During the primary, Joe Biden bizarrely responded to a woman who asked why voters should believe that he could win a national election by saying “You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.” That encounter came to mind when Biden this week mocked Fox reporter Peter Doocy, who violated the virtual news blackout on the Hunter Biden story. by asking about the scandal. Biden immediately walked off stage and then stopped and said “Yes, yes, yes. God love you, man — you’re a one-horse pony, I tell you.”

Like many kids this Christmas, many voters are still angling for a pony. Biden has spent months mocking the Hunter Biden story – and anyone asking about it. When CBS News reporter Bo Erickson asked Biden about his son’s scandal, Bo Erickson drew a similar rebuke from Biden. He simply asked ‘Mr. Biden, what is your response to the New York Post story about your son, sir?’ Biden’s response was again a personal attack: “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” Biden also blew up at a question that referred by the scandal by a NBC reporter and at a Fox reporter who asked about his son.

It is just not working. The media openly worked to bury the Hunter Biden scandal before the election, but the ponies keep finding their way back. The problem is when you one reporter like Doocy who refuses to be corralled and insists on an answer to a serious question. —>READ THE REST FROM JONATHAN TURLEY HERE

How Silicon Valley scions launched ‘unprecedented cover-up’ in Hunter Biden case:

Democrats, along with allies in Silicon Valley and the news media, have suppressed the Hunter Biden scandal despite mounting evidence that President-elect Joseph R. Biden‘s son had secret, lucrative financial ties to oligarchs and a powerful communist-connected Chinese businessman.

Since September, it has been a remarkable combination of blacklisting, promoting the theory of a Russian plot against the Bidens or simply ignoring the story. Liberal news websites acknowledged the scandal only after Mr. Biden won the election and Hunter Biden publicly stated that he is under criminal investigation for suspected tax fraud.

The difference is striking for President Trump‘s associates whom media excoriated during the long FBI Russia probe, which did not establish a conspiracy in the 2016 election.

“It was an unprecedented cover-up across so many entities inside and outside of the government,” J.D. Gordon, the 2016 Trump campaign’s national security adviser, told The Washington Times. “Silicon Valley suppressed an actual scandal related to Hunter Biden while hyping a manufactured scandal over Trump-Russia.”

Mr. Gordon, now an analyst for One America News, was dogged by the news media and the special counsel’s office over how he handled a proposed amendment to the Republican Party platform on arming the Ukrainian military. Investigators found no wrongdoing. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow link below to a related story:

Joe Biden: Using Hunter Biden’s Deals to ‘Get to Me’ Is ‘Foul Play.’ Tell That to Tony Bobulinski

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