Jesus' Coming Back

The Amazing Transformation of a Muslim Witch Doctor to a New Creation in Christ

Photo Credit: Michelle Maria/Pixabay

(e3 Partners) — If you met Kami* two months ago, he would’ve introduced himself as a Muslim who practices witchcraft, but that was two months ago. Everything has changed now. He’s a completely different person.

Kami’s transformation didn’t happen overnight, though. His story was two years in the making.

It started in the summer of 2017 when he met a Christian man named James*. James was visiting a local church in Tanzania, and Kami found out later that he was an American missionary with an organization called e3 Partners.

Kami was on his way to visit his son, who was recovering from a motorcycle accident in the hospital, when they first met. He asked James to pray for his son, which he did, and then something compelled Kami to invite James to his home.

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