24-Hour New Year’s Eve Prayer Event to Focus on Persecuted Church
(Voice of the Martyrs Korea) — Mosa, an Egyptian Christian, did not deny Christ as police electrocuted him, beat him unconscious, and knocked out his teeth. Today, Mosa lives a humble life with his wife and children. Still, he has health problems and thinks about how to provide for his children.
He has asked VOM workers for prayer, so Voice of the Martyrs Korea has made him the focus of hour #17 of its 24-hour New Year’s Eve prayer campaign.
“Always the number one request we hear from persecuted Christians like Mosa is for other Christians to pray for them,” says Voice of the Martyrs Korea representative Dr. Hyun Sook Foley. “So once each hour, for 24 hours beginning at 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve and continuing on to 6 p.m. on New Year’s Day, we will be posting a prayer request from a persecuted Christian on our Facebook page, and we invite Christians to pray for that request.”
“We encourage them to write their prayers for these persecuted Christians in the comments section of each Facebook post.”
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