Jesus' Coming Back

The Babylon Bee’s Predictions For 2021

It’s official: 2020 was the worst year ever, except for almost all the other years in human history! Will 2021 be a better year? Take a look at the Babylon Bee’s official list of infallible predictions for next year and decide for yourself! 

January 1 – New Year resolutions begin

January 5 – New Year resolutions downgraded 

January 20 – Biden sworn in

January 21 – Biden dies of natural causes

January 22 – Trump announces 2024 presidential run

January 23 – 2024 Campaign kicks off

January 25 – Obama releases new memoir

January 27 – Feminists finally begin to reverse Handmaid’s Tale

February 1 – All remaining Trump supporters hunted down and executed 

February 2 – Electoral college, First Amendment, Second Amendment, churches, and capitalism eliminated

February 3 – Democrats announce return to unity 

February 29 – China officially annexes United States

March 1 – Pronouns must be tattooed on forehead or hand

March 3 – Space Force training exercise accidentally blows up the moon

March 6 – Elon Musk fixes moon

March 10 – Obama releases new memoir

March 21 – COVID 20 arrives 

March 25 – FDA approves first permanent mask facial implant 

April 1 – Cuomo hunts down remaining elderly in New York 

April 19 – Steven Furtick announces he is the Messiah

May 5 – Elon Musk accepts Christ

May 6 – Joel Osteen accepts Christ

May 10 – Obama releases new memoir

June 6 – AOC tweets something dumb 

July 3 – Kamala Harris forces gulag prisoners to make bricks without straw

August 15 – Netflix releases Cuties 2 

September 5 – CHAZ 2 founded

September 6 – CHAZ 2 dismantled

October 1 – Beth Moore becomes Head Pastor of Christianity

October 8 – Obama releases new memoir

October 11 – ISIS takes over all of Canada 

November 17 – Development complete on Cyberpunk 2077

December 10th – We finally find out what the squirrels have been up to

December 25 – Kamala Harris outlaws Christmas and becomes Empress of The World

December 27 – Obama releases new memoir

December 30 – Sydney Powell announces Kraken will finally be released next week

December 31 – Jesus returns

Yikes– looks like 2021 will be another doozy! Happy New Year!


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