Jesus' Coming Back
Yearly Archives


10 Tips For Proposing To Your Girlfriend

Spring is almost here. We think. We’re not really sure since we’ve all been locked inside our homes since last spring. Anyway, now is the time when Ring Before Spring takes over all the Bible colleges and young men start proposing left and…

Church And The Post-COVID Future

According to an article from Christianity Today, the trend for the future of churches is going to be ‘microchurches’, caused in large part by the seeming collapse of religious institutions that has been exposed by COVID, where people leave…

Claim: COVID Infections Cause Insanity In Some Patients

One of the interesting aspects of COVID is that we can see its effects in real time on people to see how the virus alters short and long-term behavior. For example, it is known that people who get Lyme Disease can be cured, but it is also a…

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