Jesus' Coming Back

Report- Religious Persecution Will Significantly Worsen In China And India

Religious persecution is increasing around the world, but China and India are two major hot spots to watch, since there is open hatred for all things Christian in both nations, and there has been no secret made, barely hidden, that there is a long-term plan to eventually exterminate Christianity and Christians from both nations in the name of nationalist violence.

As such the Christian Post reports that religious persecution is likely going to increase in 2021.

Though religious persecution in China and India is expected to increase in 2021, exposure to the Bible is increasing in North Korea, the world’s most repressive country, according to the annual Persecution Trends survey from Release International.

In its latest report, RI, an international Christian watchdog organization for persecuted Christians worldwide, said that persecution is “thriving” in China and will likely increase in the new year.

RI cited the recent passage of tough new laws controlling religion, the shuttering of numerous churches, and the increasing number of registered churches forced to install CCTV cameras and put up posters proclaiming communist ideals and beliefs.

However, the Chinese Communist Party has “bought the silence of the international community” through increased dependence on trade, it said.

“The government of President Xi Jinping is increasing its ‘clean up’ of anything that does not advance the communist agenda. They appear to believe that they can achieve this by systematic opposition,” the group warned.

Corroborating other reports, RI said that China has been exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to tighten restrictions on underground believers.

Earlier this year, it was reported that amid the outbreak, impoverished Christian villagers in China were ordered to renounce their faith and replace displays of Jesus with portraits of Chairman Mao and President Xi or risk losing their welfare benefits.

“The Chinese government is trying every way to take advantage of the virus by increasing the crackdown against Christian churches,” said RI partner Bob Fu, of ChinaAid. “It has accelerated particular campaigns, such as the forced removal of crosses.”

The group also predicted that in India, intolerance toward Christians and other religious minorities will continue to grow during 2021, largely due to growing Hindu nationalism. (source)

The trend of Christian persecution, since it is directly tied to nationalism and politics, is not going away. While the US will criticize Christian persecution in China, she will be silent when it comes to India, since she is seeking to use India as a political weapons against the Chinese, dividing the two billion-strong giants to battle in the Himalayas while attacking China on other fronts.

The biggest losers, no surprise, are the Christians, who will find no real allies at all save for when it is considered to be politically expedient, and which can change at any time. It would be wise to note then that Christians must care for each other, and prepare for the worst as things become more difficult leading up to war in order to be able to help others, since one will not be able to rely or trust in governments at all to do this.

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