Jesus' Coming Back

Study Confirms: Men Who Identify as Women Retain Athletic Advantage After Year of Taking Hormones

(RT) Male-to-female transgendered people retain notable physical advantages over their female counterparts after a year of taking hormones, a study has revealed, stating the obvious in scientific fashion.

Athletes in the process of transitioning to female remain significantly stronger than their biologically-born competitors even after a year of receiving hormone therapy, researcher Timothy Roberts of Children’s Mercy Hospital in Missouri revealed last month in a retrospective study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Roberts used five years’ worth of US Air Force data to track the performance of transitioning servicemembers during their regular physical examinations. Only after two years do trans athletes begin to perform more in line with their adopted gender, the study found.

Even so, the data showed that [men who identified as women] still ran 12 percent faster than their female peers after two years.

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