Jesus' Coming Back

BLM Celebrates MLK’s Birthday By Tearing Down A Statue Of Him

MINNEAPOLIS, MN—On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a group of local BLM activists is marking the birthday of the civil rights icon by tearing down a statue of him. 

“This is just how MLK would want to be honored,” said white ally and sociology professor Forrest Finklepeep. “Dr. King was a very problematic Christian figure who promoted color-blindness and peaceful protest. His holiday was instituted by known white supremacist Ronald Reagan. We know that since MLK was also a radical just like we are, he would be extremely proud to see his own problematic statue torn down.”

Sources confirm that while MLK  is a widely respected historical figure who would likely agree with all your personal political preferences, he is also an extremely problematic figure who upheld western patriarchy and must be erased. 

“MLK has been turned into a caricature used by white people to assuage their guilt,” said Finklepeep. “It’s time to tear down the white man’s MLK and replace him with the violent, intersectional feminist, Communist revolutionary who fought for Palestinian independence we all know him to be.”

The local BLM chapter has promised to replace the old MLK statue with one featuring Dr. King in his true form: dressed as Karl Marx and holding a CCP flag.


Jesus Christ is King

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