Jesus' Coming Back

Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Run for Arkansas Governor

Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Run for Arkansas Governor

On Monday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the daughter of former Gov. Mike Huckabee, announced that she will run for Arkansas governor in 2022.

Sanders, a former White House Press Secretary during Donald Trump’s presidency, posted a video over her gubernatorial bid on her official Twitter account.

“America is great because we are free, but today our freedom and the rule of law are under attack,” she said in the nearly eight-minute-long video.

She noted that she was the first White House press secretary “to require Secret Service protection because of a credible, violent threat against me.” 

“We’ve seen violence in our streets, at a congressional baseball practice and at our Capitol. This is not who we are as Americans,” Sanders continued.

“To remain free, we must have law and order and resolve our differences peacefully”, she asserted. “The radical left’s solution is to impose government control and censorship from the top down. But their socialism and cancel culture will not heal America, it will only further divide and destroy us.” 

“Everything we love about America is at stake, and with the radical left now in control of Washington, your governor is your last line of defense. In fact, your governor must be on the front line, so today I announce my candidacy for governor of Arkansas and ask for your prayers and your support,” Sanders said. 

She also explained that a win for her would make her the first female governor of the state.

Her father, who served as Arkansas governor from 1996-2007, immediately expressed his support for his daughter’s decision to run for governor in the state he once led. 

“A truly remarkable lady just announced she’s running for my old job.” he tweeted. “It comes with the same gov’t housing she grew up in. Watch the video.  Support her w/ prayer & contributions! GIddy up!”

According to KCENTV, Sanders, a Republican, will join fellow Republican candidates Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin and Attorney General Leslie Rutledge as they hope to succeed incumbent Gov. Asa Hutchinson, whose term will end next year.

At the present time, no Democrat has announced a gubernatorial run for the state of Arkansas.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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