Jesus' Coming Back

Moroccan delegation to visit Israel, ‘region-changing cooperation’

A Moroccan delegation is expected to visit Israel by the end of February, and an Israeli one to visit the North-African kingdom providing COVID-19 infections rates in Israel do not rise.The decision was reached during a Friday conversation between National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat spoke with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita. Ben-Shabbat, born to Moroccan-Jewish immigrants, will lead the Israeli delegation. 
The two officials agreed to create several work groups to discuss mutual cooperation concerning water, energy, investments and tourism. Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic the groups will hold discussions using online means for now. 
The great potential of these and other relations were addressed as “region-changing cooperation.” 
The Friday conversation followed a conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the King of Morocco Mohammed VI. 


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