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A Joint Statement Calling for China to Allow Prominent Dissident to Visit Ill Wife in the U.S.

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A Joint Statement Calling for China to Allow Prominent Dissident to Visit Ill Wife in the U.S.

January 30, 2021

Guo Feixiong at the airport on Jan. 28, 2020.

Chinese dissident Guo Feixiong (郭飞雄), while trying to travel to the United States to take care of his wife Zhang Qing following her cancer surgery, was intercepted by Chinese authorities at Shanghai Pudong Airport on January 28, and denied exit on the pretext of “endangering national security.” Guo Feixiong is a free Chinese citizen, and the CCP has no reason to prevent him from going abroad to visit his family, whether from the perspective of law, human rights, or humanitarian principle. This inhumane act by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is yet another proof of the regime’s increasingly fascist stance. 

Guo Feixiong has announced the beginning of an indefinite hunger strike upon the exit ban. We call upon the outside world to follow this development and on Western countries to use diplomatic means to assist Guo Feixiong in his wish to visit his wife and take care of her in the United States. On January 27, Guo Feixiong sent an open letter to Chinese leaders Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, and Li Zhanshu about his anxiety over the critical condition of his wife: 

“My wife, Zhang Qing, moved to the United States in 2009 and now lives in Maryland. On January 9 of this year, she underwent major surgery for colon cancer with liver metastasis, and following the surgery, immediately began to undergo chemotherapy for 24 weeks. She is in extremely risky and life-threatening conditions. I must go to the U.S. immediately and do my best to care for her and help her through the most difficult time in her life. Our decade long separation has now reached a heartbreaking point, and every day of delay is mental torture for me.”

Guo Feixiong (real name Yang Maodong 杨茂东), is one of the pioneers of China’s rights defense movement. He was arrested in 2006 for his involvement in the campaign to dismiss corrupt village officials in Guangdong’s Taishi village, sentenced to five years in 2007, and released from prison on September 12, 2011. In 2009, Guo’s wife fled China with their two young children to escape persecution by the CCP. In August 2013, Guo was arrested again and sentenced to six years in prison for organizing citizen groups in solidarity with the Southern Weekend and launching campaigns in several cities to demand that China ratifies the U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. He was released in 2019. In 2016, Guo went on a hunger strike for more than 100 days in protest of the torture and abuse he suffered in prison. He is the recipient of the 2015 Frontline Defenders Award from Frontline Defenders Ireland.

We ask for assistance from the international community!

(China Change Note: Guo Feixiong has been out of contact shortly after he started hunger strike on Thursday at the Pudong Airport in Shanghai. He’s likely to have been taken into custody by the Chinese authorities.)







王丹,寧先華,陳立群,徐傑,王麗玲,Brian Thomson(英國),段剛,車宏年,曹嘉豪,金巖,丁智彬,李恒青,胡浩,魏泉寶,王斌,陳士勝,王菁,Jean-Philippe Beja(法國),康正果,盛雪,吾爾開希,蘇曉康,王軍濤,劉連軍,楊倩怡,姚戈,周鋒鎖,蔡楚,楊子立,王安娜,陳闖創,張玉紅,徐碩、張博、崔勇、付漢民、張秀巖、朱春風,王進忠,耿和,嚴家其,斯坦(波蘭),鄭存柱,韓武,陳破空,蔡霞,蘇力德,陳維明,陳奎德,傅晨,傅希秋,孟元新,邱家軍,姚小舟,姜福禎,羅偉 ,曹雅學,李傳良,Josie Chan(香港),陳艷 ,李秋 ,毛欣馨 ,燕鵬,相林,馬永濤,周曉,楊俊,李剛,李進進,王鴻祥、易改,朱映明,李德誠,倪宇凡,李祥奎,雷秋生,王瑩  ,陳永忠,金光洪,匡志勇 ,沈茵,王劍虹, 左海艷,金昌,鄧寧,張偉姍,甘向陽,高志,陳光誠,陳瑤池,王霞,張毅,滕彪,劉沙沙,廖亦武,Perry Link,葉榮,張會來,王志勇、界立建、王導,唐元雋,張菁,趙昕,楊憲宏,張秀巖、徐碩、鄒玉燕、劉應春,劉因全,張明,張立新,黃占元,熊焱,葛坤,柴進,張永震,付漢靈,李文韜,劉佳鑫、羅峙、翟佳琳、李毅、閆濤、杜雲 、胡國祥、韓濤、梅海峙、金華良,藺其磊、郭寶勝,李傳良,蘇雨桐,汪岷,郭民主,劉元,李艷玲,耿冠軍,汪洋,高光俊,吳嬌,劉建國,王涵,袁建斌,吳明晨,李鑫,羅永東,許茜,秦少斌,李澤坤,袁宇峰,吳昆鵬,張子雲,陳雲飛,馮崇義,向莉,倪金芳,顏伯鈞,劉開元,陳曉萍,李肅,張林、孫志剛、季風,呂京花、金秀红、司书良、陈兴贵、熊燕、杨梦笔、郭成、白节敏、范诺德、陈兴海、方政、颜荔、杜明、赵常青、秦晋


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