Media’s ‘Biden Is the Greatest Catholic Since Francis of Assisi’ Narrative Is Not Going Well; Hack Media Needs to Stop Pretending Biden Is Super Catholic, and related stories
Media’s ‘Biden Is the Greatest Catholic Since Francis of Assisi’ Narrative Is Not Going Well:
The establishment media has been pulling out all the stops, as Stephen Kruiser noted Monday, to convince us that Joe Biden is the most serene Catholic monarch since King St. Louis IX. Huffington Post writer Beth Stoneburner even wondered if “Christians will ever allow themselves to admit that a Democratic president is actually doing more for their supposed causes than the Republican Party ever did.” The New York Times hailed Old Joe as “the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century,” who “regularly attends Mass and speaks of how his Catholic faith grounds his life and his policies.” However, a wrench was thrown into this propaganda machine on Friday by the unlikeliest of sources: the U.S. Catholic bishops.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Bishop David J. Malloy, chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace, issued a statement on Thursday saying that Biden’s executive order removing blocks on funding for abortion providers overseas was “incompatible with Catholic teaching.”
Heinously indifferent to their contravention of the prevailing propaganda, Naumann and Malloy wrote: “It is grievous that one of President Biden’s first official acts actively promotes the destruction of human lives in developing nations. This Executive Order is antithetical to reason, violates human dignity, and is incompatible with Catholic teaching. We and our brother bishops strongly oppose this action. We urge the President to use his office for good, prioritizing the most vulnerable, including unborn children.” —>READ MORE HERE
Hack Media Needs to Stop Pretending Biden Is Super Catholic
It would be super cool if I could somehow pace my level of “You’ve GOT to be kidding me!” with the media and this new administration but I can see after the first several days that it’s not going to be possible.
We all remember how ridiculous the mainstream media was during the Obama years. The teenage girls who used to scream and faint at Beatles concerts had it more emotionally together than the press from 2008-2017. At the time I couldn’t have imagined them being any worse.
Enter the empty husk that was once Joseph Robinette Biden.
I began sensing just how bad it might be during the campaign when the MSM was carrying ALL of the water for the Biden campaign. There was a clear difference in the way the hacks were swooning over Biden compared to how they used to react to Obama. They meant it back then.
Now they’re just faking political orgasms. —>READ MORE HERE
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