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Chaplain Under Investigation Over Facebook Comment Objecting to Lifting Ban on ‘Transgenders’ in Military

FORT HOOD, Texas — An Army chaplain in Texas is under investigation after he posted a comment on social media opposing transgenders in the military under a news story published by the Army Times.

“How is rejecting reality (biology) not evidence that a person is mentally unfit (ill), and thus making that person unqualified to serve?” Andrew Calvert wrote under the article, posted to Facebook last week.

“There is little difference in this than over those who believe and argue for a ‘flat earth,’ despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary,” he said. “The motivation is different, but the argument is the same. This person is a MedBoard for mental wellness waiting to happen. What a waste of military resources and funding!”

The article had mentioned the support of new Defense Secretary Gen. Lloyd Austin, who said during a hearing, “If you’re fit and you’re qualified to serve and you can maintain the standards, you should be allowed to serve.”

As previously reported, Biden lifted the Trump administration’s ban on transgender service in the military last Monday, allowing men who identify as women and vice versa to serve in the nation’s Armed Forces if they are otherwise qualified.

“[W]hat I’m doing is enabling all qualified Americans to serve their country in uniform, and essentially restoring the situation as it existed before, with transgender personnel, if qualified in every other way, can serve their government in the United States military,” he said moments prior to signing an executive order.

Calvert, a unit chaplain with the 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade, commented on the matter under the Army Times report, stating that he feels those who struggle with their gender are mentally ill and therefore not qualified to serve.

One lashed out against him, “You’re a chaplain in the Army, charged with the nurture of the living, care for the wounded and honor of the fallen. To have extremist views against a group of people, especially voiced in public on social media, is deplorable and disgusting. I feel awful for the soldiers and families you are entrusted to provide counseling and mentorship to. You should be ashamed.”

The Brigade has now confirmed that Calvert’s comment is under investigation. It posted to social media on Tuesday, “Always remember to ‘Think, Type, Post’ when it comes to engaging in conversation on social media platforms. We are soldiers 24/7 and that means always treating people with dignity and respect.”

“We are aware of the recent comments posted to the Army Times Facebook in regard to the ban being removed on transgender service members. This incident is under investigation,” it advised.

“The Security Force Assistance Command Enterprise fully supports the Commander in Chief, Secretary of Defense and all DoD policies. The United States Army has a strict standard against any form of discrimination based on gender identity.”

Some defended Calvert.

“Disagreeing about whether a particular lifestyle is healthy doesn’t mean we’re not treating people with dignity and respect or that we’re being hateful,” one commenter wrote. “The incident shouldn’t be under investigation. The man is a chaplain. His first allegiance is to what God taught, and he has a 1st Amendment right to voice his opinion.”

“Saying something that goes against currently popular PC speech is not automatically hateful. The PC police are willing to punish those of us who don’t agree with their agenda. That’s not American or Christian. Don’t let them shame you into submitting to their will.”

“Hey SFAC how about not telling us soldiers what to believe or what to say on social media,” another remarked. “You must have a tremendous amount of free time to waste it harassing a chaplain or anyone else that doesn’t agree with whatever ideology our current commander decides to propose.”

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