Jesus' Coming Back

Voice of the Martyrs Releases 2021 Global Prayer Guide

(Mission Network News) The Church should support and lift its members up before God, but how do you pray for people that you have never met? The Voice of Martyrs, USA (VOM USA) offers insights into the lives and needs of Christians around the world through their 2021 Global Prayer Guide.

Todd Nettleton with VOM USA says that the persecuted Church consistently asks to share needs with their Christian brothers and sisters so that they might pray for them.

“The first thing they ask of us is that we pray,” he outlined. “And so the global prayer guide from Voice of the Martyrs, which now we have the brand new 2021 edition out, is a tool to help American Christians answer the requests of our persecuted brothers and sisters.”

The 100 page guide, offers backgrounds, insights and specific requests from people and places that may not be at the top of the news cycle. Clear notes help Christians to intercede for the global Church facing intense persecution on a daily basis.

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