Jesus' Coming Back

‘Stand for Truth’: Cissie Graham Lynch Urges the Church to Be an Example of Unity in Christ

‘Stand for Truth’: Cissie Graham Lynch Urges the Church to Be an Example of Unity in Christ

In her recent Fearless podcast episode, Cissie Graham Lynch, the granddaughter of famous evangelist Billy Graham, challenged the church to be the ideal example of unity in the world amid ongoing division.

Lynch addressed how the term “unity” has been in the headlines as of late, especially since President Joe Biden had used it during his campaign and during his inauguration last month.

“Unity has lost its meaning and its purpose because we say it without thinking,” Lynch said. “When we look at the word ‘unity,’ we have to ask the question, ‘What are we unifying with?’”

She added that unity is not agreeing on all things so that harmony would be achieved.

“It is important to seek peace and to live peacefully in the world. [But] we cannot live by what is not true just for the sake of getting along,” she warned.

While it’s good to live peacefully in the world, Lynch contended that Christians will ultimately have to stand for truth despite being rejected and mocked for it. True unity, Lynch added, can only be found in Jesus Christ and His Word.

“The world hates Jesus. They hated him 2,000 years ago, and they hate Him now,” she added. “And that’s why the world will never see unity.”

She explained how unity in the body of Christ is deeply needed in cultivating fellowship and bearing witness to the world.

“Now, more than ever, the church can show the world the truth of Jesus Christ through its unity.” Lynch said. “When Christians are the disfavored group in the eyes of culture and in government—unity, fellowship and love with one another are so important in the body of Christ.”

Notwithstanding the world’s opposition, she called believers to stand for the truth while cautioning them not to follow Christian leaders who are “more concerned about social issues and not Biblical issues, or preaching opinions and not God’s Word.”

“Discern those who speak truth. Stand for truth, together,” Cisse asserted.

She also cited John 14:27, one of her favorite Bible verses, in pointing out how Christ promises His people peace, especially when He calls them to “uncomfortable” places.

Scripture reads: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27, NKJV).

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Handout

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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