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Biden Signs 3 Executive Orders Reversing Trump On Immigration; Signs Order Easing Immigrants’ Access To Welfare

Biden signs 3 executive orders reversing Trump on immigration:

President Biden on Tuesday signed a trio of executive orders to reverse the immigration policies of former President Donald Trump, continuing his brisk shift of policies by the stroke of a pen.

Biden signed orders to end a 2018 “zero tolerance” policy on prosecuting illegal border crossings and to seek unification of parents with children detained at the border.

He also signed an order requesting a comprehensive review Trump-era immigration policies,

“There’s a lot of talk, with good reason, about the number of executive orders that I signed. I’m not making new law, I’m eliminating bad policy,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office.

“The last president of the United States issued executive orders I felt were very counterproductive to our security, counterproductive to who we are as a country, particularly in the area of immigration.”

Biden was joined in the Oval Office by Vice President Kamala Harris and his just-confirmed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who was approved by the Senate in a 56-43 vote on Tuesday. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden signs order easing immigrants’ access to welfare:

President Biden moved Tuesday to wipe away more of the Trump immigration infrastructure, signing orders easing legal immigrants’ access to welfare and revoking his predecessor’s get-tough border policies.

Mr. Biden also created a task force to reunify families separated under the Trump zero-tolerance border policy of 2018. While thousands of children have been reunited, hundreds still have not been officially reconnected, nearly three years late.

A new White House coordinator has been tasked with reviewing other Trump-era policies Mr. Biden says erected barriers to legal immigration. —>READ MORE HERE

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