Jesus' Coming Back

Islamic Terrorists Behead Ten People. They Take An Elderly Man And Slice His Head Completely Off As Part Of Public Execution

By Theodore Shoebat

Islamic terrorists in the al-Hol camp displacement camp in Syria beheaded ten people, one of whom was an elderly man who was decapitated in public view. As we read in the Telegraph:

Twenty people were killed in a Syrian displacement camp in January – including 10 who were beheaded – with guards suspecting Islamic State sleeper cells of the executions, according to a research group based in northeast Syria.

The 20 Iraqis and Syrians killed in Al-Hol camp in January included a guard from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) that maintains the detention facility, according to The Rojava Information Centre, which estimated 35 people were killed in the camp in all of 2020.

Camp authorities, who struggle to impose security even around the camp perimeter, believe most of the deaths were the work of Islamic State assassins active inside Al-Hol.

“The details of the assailants are unknown, most of the executions take place at night in the victims’ tent or shelter,” said Charles Flynn, a researcher with the RIC.

“Not all killings can be [attributed] to ISIS, as some deaths in the past have been related to feuds or disagreements in the camps,” he added.

Among the most grisly of the recent killings at Al-Hol, an Iraqi elder was reportedly publicly beheaded in the camp on January 16.  “The victim’s head was completely removed,” said Mr Flynn, who reviewed photos of the incident.


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