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***Live Updates*** Trump Impeachment Trial Begins

Former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial begins on Tuesday with up to four hours of debate on whether a former president who was impeached while he was still in office can be prosecuted when he is no longer in the White House.

The impeachment trial will continue on Wednesday, with each side getting up to 16 hours to present their case, if a majority of Senators agree later today that Trump can be convicted as a former president.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates.

All times Eastern.

1:01 PM: Impeachment trial about to get started.

12:59 PM: Still undecided on witnesses.

12:55 PM: National Guard patrol as impeachment trial is about to start.

12:50 PM: Pelosi: Dems will be defending democracy:

12:45 PM: RNC on former president Trump’s second impeachment trial. Quotes Lincoln:

Today Senate Democrats could be working with Republicans on the issues Americans actually care about, but instead they are moving ahead with yet another politically-motivated impeachment trial, this time of a president who is no longer in office.

While the eventual outcome of this impeachment trial is not in question, the credibility of Democrats’ calls for unity is. This unconstitutional exercise may unite Democrat leaders around their hatred of President Trump, but it will only further divide our nation at a time when we desperately need unity.

President Abraham Lincoln famously said ‘a house divided against itself cannot stand.’ President Biden should heed Lincoln’s words and urge Senate Democrats to drop this partisan charade so the People’s House can get back to doing the people’s business and we can bring our country together.

12:42 PM: Dems will have backup plans:

12:40 PM:

12:35 PM:


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