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***Live Updates*** Trump Impeachment Trial Day Four

Former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial continues on Friday. Trump’s lawyers will present their defense of the former president.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates.

All times Eastern.

1:10 PM: Van der Veen back up to talk about the First Amendment. He says the First Amendment applies and Trump’s speech deserves protection. He says this case is about “political hatred” and it is clear House Democrats “hate Donald Trump.” He says this kind of “political hate” has no place in the country’s institutions and political law. He says what we have heard and read is “devoid” of any Constitutional analysis. He says “hatred” is why House Managers want to blame Trump for the rioters based on “double hearsay.”

1:00 PM: Schoen says one of the first things Raskin did in the House was to object to the electoral college certification. He ends with a clip of Nadler railing against partisan impeachments.

12:45 PM: Schoen says Trump was calling on primary challengers and not violence when he talked about fighting on January 6. He is playing video of Democrats talking about “fighting” and using “violent” rhetoric against Trump. He now plays video of Democrats praising the “peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests/riots.

12:40 PM: Schoen calling Democrats out for taking Trump’s “very fine people” comments out of context. He says this could be the first time his full remarks were played on a news network.

12:35 PM: Schoen says the House Managers staged numerous photo shoots of their preparation. He accuses House Democrats of manufacturing images of tweets, including giving people who have never been “verified” a “check mark” that indicated they were verified. Schoen wonders if they wanted to make the person look more important or were just sloppy.

12:27 PM: Schoen says the “hatred” the House Managers for Trump caused them to bypass due process. He says House leaders had contemplated  holding the articles for 100 days to give Biden time to implement his agenda. He says Trump and his counsel were given no opportunity to review evidence and the rush to judgment was just one example of a “denial of due process.” He rips House Managers for using press reports with anonymous sources against Trump.

Schoen says Trump’s team should have been able to see the “new footage” that was used against him. He asks how House Managers got the footage that they used for political gain. He asks why it was not released by law enforcement or the Department of Justice.

12:17 PM: Van der Veen says Trump used language that politicians have used for hundreds of years when they talk about “fighting for our principles.” He says no human being believes the use of such “metaphorical terminology is an incitement to political violence.” He says there are numerous officials in D.C. have used “inflammatory language” in recent years, spending the last four years repeating that the 2016 was hacked and that Trump was a “Russian spy.” He says Democrats are using “constitutional cancel culture” to prevent Trump from running for office again. “Now is not the time for a campaign of such retribution,” he says, adding that now is a time for “unity” and “healing.” He talks about cooling temperatures and calming passions.

12:15 PM: Van der Veen says “you can’t incite what was already going to happen.”

12:05 PM: Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen says the impeachment trial is an “unjust and unconstitutional act of political vengeance.” He claims nobody could think that Trump’s speech incited violence. He plays video of House Democrats, including Raskin, objecting to certification after Trump was elected. He says it is a “preposterous” and “monstrous lie” to claim that Trump wanted to incite violence.

12:01 PM: Impeachment trial resumes. Depending on how quickly Trump’s team finishes, Senators could begin to ask their questions later this evening.

11:50 AM: The former president’s team has 16 hours over two days for their presentation. They are reportedly not expected to use even half of their allotted time.


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