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Rubio: ‘Possible’ We Have Senate Impeachment Vote by Sunday Morning

During a Friday appearance on “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) discussed the Senate impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump.

Rubio, who is voting to acquit Trump of the allegations of inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last month, warned the country will “regret” ruling the impeachment of someone no longer in office is constitutional.

“Even assuming Congress did have the constitutional power to impeach and remove a former official, it shouldn’t, and here’s why. It’s the creation of a new political weapon that will. We will see used. We’ll regret creating that weapon. One day, it’ll be used by a Democratic Senate to disqualify a former cabinet member who wants to challenge a Democratic incumbent. And one day, it’ll be used by a former Republican, future Republican Senate to disqualify a Democratic vice president from running for president. We’ll regret creating that tool. Donald Trump is now a private citizen. And if in fact, he has committed crimes as the House managers claim he has, then he is answerable to the civil and criminal courts of this country — no longer to the Senate.”

Rubio also suggested there should be a vote “as early as” Saturday night “or maybe Sunday morning.”

“I think it appears from press reports that the president’s lawyers are going to wrap up today and get to questions, so it’s possible that we could have a vote as early as tomorrow night or maybe Sunday morning, it looks like,” he advised.

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent


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